Alumni Spotlight

Cynthia Perry, Ph.D. - Associate Academic Dean of Admissions for the Foster School of Medicine

Dr. Perry is also a passionate educator, in her appointment as Associate Professor of Medical Education, she teaches first and second year medical students in the areas of Molecular Pathology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry. Dr. Perry is a first generation college graduate that pursued an academic career despite the lack of resources and systematic knowledge in regards to higher education found at home.  Dr. Perry completed her doctoral studies in Molecular Pathology at UC San Diego and entered academia following successful NIH-funded graduate and post-doctoral fellowships.  Having benefitted for support from pipeline programs including Alliance for Graduate Education Programs, LSAMP/California Alliance for Minority Participation and NSF-Bridges to the Doctorate, she is dedicated to the recruitment, mentorship and advancement of underrepresented and first-gen students in the STEM field.

Western Alliance to Expand Student Opportunities/Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (University of Arizona)


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